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Cookie e Informativa sulla Privacy

Utilizzando i moduli sul nostro sito e i nostri servizi, accetti la nostra politica sulla privacy.


The confidentiality policies below define the way in which the personal data registered by the ElinaWeb company is collected, processed and protected in the context of the provision of its Script PAG services.

Data controller

The data collected is, on the one hand, under the responsibility of the ElinaWeb company, on the other hand, by ElinaWeb customers using a SaaS Script PAG solution hosted by the ElinaWeb company. Responsibility for personal data by ElinaWeb customers is limited to their own personal data collected through the interface of the Script PAG software as part of the use of the SaaS Script PAG service.

SARL to the capital of 10 000 €
5 Rue de la Châtaingeraie
35530 Brécé, France
RCS Rennes B 849 029 574.

For any questions relating to the processing of personal data, you can contact us from our contact form, our telephone number or by post at the address mentioned above.

Data collected

The data that may be collected by ElinaWeb are as follows:
- Last name
- First name
- Address
- Customer company information
- Phone number
- E-mail address
- IP adress

The data collected by ElinaWeb customers using a SaaS Script PAG service may be the following:
- Last name
- First name
- Address
- Customer company information
- Phone number
- E-mail address
- IP adress
- Job

Collection method

The personal data collected by ElinaWeb is done by means of the contact form or the account creation form on this website or directly by exchange of email or telephone. The personal data of customers using a Script PAG SaaS service is collected through the interface of the Script PAG software.

Purpose of the data collected

The personal data collected by ElinaWeb is necessary for the processing of the order, and the management of the licenses of its Script PAG products in accordance with the sales contract, and is used solely for the purposes of commercial relations with the company ElinaWeb. Certain personal data such as email address, surname or first name may be used via the third party Mailjet for sending informative emails. Personal data is not communicated to any other third party, it remains strictly confidential.

The personal data collected by ElinaWeb customers via the interface of the Script PAG software as part of a SaaS Script PAG service remains under their sole responsibility. ElinaWeb, beyond ensuring the protection of this data, does not intervene in their processing.

Data retention period

Personal data is kept for the duration of use of the service. After the end of use of the SaaS Script PAG service, the personal data collected by customers is permanently deleted after one year. Personal customer data is kept for 10 years for accounting purposes.


As a reminder, a cookie is a text file saved in your browser that allows keep data. This data can be useful for the good functioning of certain functionalities, to be used for purposes of advertising targeting, improvement of navigation or to establish statistics ... These files can be exploited by the website itself, or by partners.

Our website does not generate any plotters. We create a cookie only to keep the data in your cart and measure the audience of our website. In order to be exempted from consent, your ip address is anonymized.


In compliance with the stipulations of the article 29 of the law n° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, referred to as the "Law on Information Technology and Civil Liberties", ElinaWeb guarantees to take all necessary measures to ensure the protection of the communicated information.

In application of the article 36 of the law n° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, referred to as the "Law on Information Technology and Civil Liberties", the customer has the right to access, modify, rectify and remove his personal information. To exercise this right, you can contact us via our contact form, by phone or by post to the address mentioned in our legal notice.

Article 108 of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, provides, in case of non-respect of your rights, the possibility to seize the national commission of computing and freedoms (CNIL), or of to make a judicial appeal.